

森林舞会游戏下载. (“森林舞会游戏,” “we,” “我们的, "及/或"us”) value the privacy of individuals who 使用 我们的 website and related services (collectively, 我们的 “服务”). 本隐私政策(“隐私政策”) explains how we collect, 使用, and share 信息rmation from 使用rs of 我们的 服务 (“用户)或他们的设备. By using or accessing 我们的 服务, 你同意收集, 使用, 信息披露, and procedures this 隐私政策 describes.

If you are a California resident, please see 我们的 California Resident Privacy Notice for supplemental 信息rmation and 信息披露s regarding rights of California residents.


We collect a variety of 信息rmation from or about you or y我们的 devices from various s我们的ces, 如下所述.

If you do not provide y我们的 信息rmation when requested, you may not be able to 使用 我们的 服务 if that 信息rmation is necessary to provide 我们的 服务 or if we are legally required to collect it.

A. Information You Provide to Us

通信. We receive 信息rmation about you when you contact us and provide us with 信息rmation directly. 例如, when you contact us for customer support, 我们会收到你的名字, 电子邮件地址, company you work for or are affiliated with, the contents of a message or attachments that you may send to us, and other 信息rmation you choose to provide. If you subscribe to 我们的 press releases, then we will collect certain 信息rmation from you, 比如你的电子邮件地址.

职业生涯. When you make inquiries concerning career opportunities, you may submit y我们的 contact 信息rmation and y我们的 resume online. We will collect the 信息rmation you choose to provide on y我们的 resume, such as y我们的 highest level of education, 工作经历, and 信息rmation about the type of job you are seeking.

B. 我们收集的信息 When You Use Our 服务

设备信息. We receive 信息rmation about the device and software you 使用 to access 我们的 服务, including internet protocol (“IP”) address, Web浏览器类型, 操作系统版本, and mobile advertising identifiers.

使用信息. To help us understand how you 使用 我们的 服务 and to help us improve them, 当您使用我们的服务时, we automatically receive 信息rmation about y我们的 interactions with 我们的 服务, like the pages or other content you view, 您请求的页面, the websites you visited before using 我们的 服务, 还有日期, times and duration of y我们的 visits.

位置信息. 当您使用我们的服务时, we infer the general physical location of y我们的 device and the geographic regions 我们的 用户 come from. 例如, y我们的 IP address may indicate y我们的 general geographic region.

Information from Cookies and Similar 技术. We and third-party partners collect 信息rmation using cookies, pixel tags, or similar technologies. 我们的第三方伙伴, such as analytics and advertising partners, may 使用 these technologies to collect 信息rmation about y我们的 online activities over time and across different services. Cookies are small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters. We may 使用 both session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie disappears after you close y我们的 browser. A persistent cookie remains after you close y我们的 browser and may be 使用d by y我们的 browser on subsequent visits to 我们的 服务.

Please review y我们的 web browser’s “Help” file to learn the proper way to modify y我们的 cookie settings. Please note that if you delete or choose not to accept cookies from 我们的 服务, you may not be able to utilize the features of 我们的 服务 to their fullest potential.

C. Information We Receive from 第三方

第三方平台. If you choose to submit comments, 照片, or content to 我们的 pages on third-party platforms, 比如YouTube或LinkedIn, you may choose to include personal 信息rmation. 在这种情况下, we may receive 信息rmation about you, 包括你的头像照片, 名字, and other 信息rmation you choose to provide. If you wish to limit the 信息rmation available to us, you should visit the privacy settings of y我们的 third-party accounts to learn about y我们的 options.

其他第三方. We may receive additional 信息rmation about you from third parties such as data or marketing partners and combine it with other 信息rmation we have about you.

How We Use the 我们收集的信息

We 使用 the 信息rmation we collect:

  • To provide, 维护, improve, and enhance 我们的 服务;
  • 与您沟通, provide you with updates and other 信息rmation relating to 我们的 服务, provide 信息rmation that you request, respond to comments and questions, and otherwise provide customer support;
  • To understand and analyze how you 使用 我们的 服务 and develop new 产品, services, and features;
  • To de-identify and aggregate 信息rmation collected through 我们的 服务 and 使用 it for 我们的 business purposes;
  • To find and prevent fraud, and respond to trust and safety issues that may arise;
  • 出于合规目的, including enforcing 我们的 legal rights, or as may be required by applicable 法律s and regulations or requested by any judicial process or governmental agency; and
  • For other purposes for which we provide specific notice at the time the 信息rmation is collected.

How We Share the 我们收集的信息

We may share or otherwise disclose 信息rmation we collect from or about you 如下所述 or otherwise disclosed to you at the time of collection.

合作伙伴和附属公司. We may share any 信息rmation we receive with 我们的 partners, 子公司, and affiliates for any of the purposes described in this 隐私政策.

Vendors and Service Providers. We may share any 信息rmation we receive with contractors, 供应商, 服务提供商, and other third parties retained in connection with the provision of 我们的 服务.

分析合作伙伴. We 使用 analytics services such as Google Analytics to collect and process certain analytics data. These services may also collect 信息rmation about y我们的 使用 of other websites, 应用程序, 还有在线资源. You can learn about Google’s practices by going to http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/, and opt-out of them by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, available at http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

As Required by Law and Similar Disclosures. 我们可以访问, 保存, and disclose 信息rmation about you if we believe doing so is required or appropriate to: (a) comply with 法律 enforcement requests and legal process, such as a c我们的t order or subpoena; (b) respond to y我们的 requests; or (c) protect y我们的, 我们的, 或者其他人的权利, 财产, 或安全.

Merger, Sale, or Other Asset Transfers. We may disclose and transfer 信息rmation about you to 服务提供商, 顾问, potential transactional partners, or other third parties in connection with the consideration, 谈判, or completion of a corporate transaction in which we are acquired by or merged with another company or we sell, 清算, or transfer all or a portion of 我们的 business or assets.

同意. We may also disclose 信息rmation from or about you or y我们的 devices with y我们的 permission.


营销传播. You can unsubscribe from 我们的 promotional emails via the link provided in the emails. Even if you opt out of receiving promotional messages from us, you will continue to receive administrative messages from us.

加州居民. If you are a California resident, you may exercise certain rights by submitting requests to know and access the personal 信息rmation we have collected about you, to delete personal 信息rmation and to not be discriminated against for exercising these rights. Please visit 我们的 California Resident Privacy Notice for supplemental 信息rmation and 信息披露s regarding rights of California residents.


Our 服务 may contain links to other websites, 产品, or services that we do not own or operate. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these third parties. Please be aware that this 隐私政策 does not apply to y我们的 activities on these third-party services or any 信息rmation you disclose to these third parties. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites. If you have any questions about how these other sites 使用 信息rmation from or about you, you should contact them directly. We enc我们的age you to read their privacy policies before providing any 信息rmation to them.


We make reasonable efforts to protect 信息rmation from or about you by using technical and organizational safeguards designed to improve the security of the 信息rmation we 维护. 然而, as 我们的 服务 are hosted electronically, we can make no guarantees as to the security or privacy of y我们的 信息rmation.


我们不会故意收取费用, 维护, or 使用 personal 信息rmation from children under 13 years of age, and no part of 我们的 服务 are directed to children. If you learn that a child has provided us with personal 信息rmation in violation of this 隐私政策, 请在 .


Our 服务 are hosted in the United States and intended for visitors located within the United States. If you choose to 使用 我们的 服务 from the European Union or other regions of the world with 法律s governing data collection and 使用 that may differ from U.S. 法律, then please note that you are transferring 信息rmation from or about you or y我们的 devices outside of those regions to the United States for 存储 和处理. Also, we may transfer y我们的 data from the U.S. to other countries or regions in connection with 存储 和处理 of data, 满足您的要求, 及运作我们的服务. 通过提供任何信息, including 信息rmation from or about you or y我们的 devices, 在我们的服务上或在我们的服务上, 您同意该等转让, 存储, 和处理.

Changes to This 隐私政策

This 隐私政策 may be revised from time to time. We will post any adjustments to the 隐私政策 on this page, and the revised version will be effective as of the last updated date. If we materially change the ways in which we 使用 or share 信息rmation from or about you or y我们的 devices previously collected from you through 我们的 服务, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you of the changes by sending a notice to the primary 电子邮件地址 provided to us and/or by placing a notice on 我们的 服务.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about 我们的 processing activities, please email us at or write to us at 香港中环赞克尔道2460号 圣何塞,加州95131.